HumanaTeen Colorado Chapter
We are so proud of our HumanaTeen Colorado Chapter. Their recent Chapter meeting was about bringing awareness to teen suicide and showing kindness and compassion to others. Caroline, the Colorado Chapter Leader shared about a family they are friends with whose 16-year-old daughter recently committed suicide.
This family has asked us to keep their daughter’s story alive, so tonight was for Lily Beck. The teens wrote “random kindness notes” and took them around town, giving them to whomever they felt compelled to.
Remember people, SMILES ARE FREE! Be kind, show compassion and care. You never know another’s struggles and the impact your words and actions may have. These teens are making an impact on the world through their service and kindness.
The HumanaTeen Colorado Chapter hosted an event to promote awareness on Teen Suicide.
#humanateen #humanateencolorado #teencommunityservice#teensmakinganimpact #teenleaders #teensgivingback#nonforprofitteenorganization
#makinganimprintontheworld#communityservice #colorado #illinois #teensgettinginvolved#worldchange #suicideawareness #teensuicideawareness
Teens Making An Imprint On The World